As part of our commitment to sustainable tourism and motivated by our passion for the culture and nature of Misiones, we have tried to preserve with great respect the cultural traditions of the towns near our hotel, minimizing the impact that tourism could have in the environment.
Cuña Pirú Lodge was designed as a jungle hotel, with bio-environmental design and traditional treatment of the image following the regional construction guidelines, which allow integrating the architecture to the landscape, was built with materials obtained in the area, and the techniques of construction that were used are the same ones that have been used in the jungle for years, generating sustainable buildings. The decoration of the Lodge was designed by Misiones Creativa, a pioneer in the development and promotion of crafts based on ethical and fair work.
En el diseño y operación de muchas de nuestras excursiones participan pobladores de la zona, montaraces nacidos y criados en la selva misionera, ya que ellos mejor que nadie conocen las riquezas del monte.
El Hotel de Selva cuenta con 16 camas para 20 has. de selva, lo que garantiza mas de una hectárea de selva exclusiva por persona contribuyendo a que el impacto en el medio ambiente sea lo más bajo posible.